2 Corinthians 1:10

Adoption Resources


Shriners Hospital for Children - Free care provided to children.
Wide Smiles Resource - For families considering adoption of a child with cleft lip or palate.
The Center for Adoption Medicine - University of Washington Adoption Clinic
Orphan Doctor - Dr. Jane Aronson's website


World Time - Find the time anywhere in the world.
Ethiopia Weather - Weather in Addis Ababa right now.
Kayak - Good discount airfare search engine
Expedia - Good discount airfare search engine
Iceland Air - Offers some cheap tickets to Europe
Ethiopian Airlines - "Direct" flights from Addis to Washington DC
Currency Converter - Learn what the dollar is worth in your child’s country.


Multilingual Books - A website with books and courses for learning Amharic.
Ethiopian News - Up to date news on Ethiopia
Circus Ethiopia - The Ethiopian Circus
English Amharic Dictionary - Extensive listing of words and phrases
Library of Congress - Information on Ethiopia (very extensive).
Amharic - A site for multimedia Amharic language courses.


Adoptive Families Magazine - Adoption information for families before, during, and after adoption. Adoptive Agency Search - Search for an adoption agency in your area.
Come Unity - Parenting, adoption and special needs resources.
Rainbow Kids - Adoption information, support, child photolistings, articles and resources.
A Child's Desire - Children's Charity
U.S. Dept. of State - Links to list of agencies that have received Hague Accreditation
Tapestry Books - A good source for adoption-related books and resources.

Adoption Mailing Lists

International Adoption Lists - Listed by Country
Ethiopia Adopt - Yahoo Group