Ethiopian Culture
Ethiopia is a country rich in culture and history with records dating back 5,000 years. It is a land of extremes with some of the highest, most rugged and inaccessible places on the African continent, as well as some of the lowest depressions in Africa. It is a land of contrasts, busy cities and rural villages, hot, dry and barren places, as well as rolling hills, fertile highlands deserts, canyons, waterfalls and lakes that combine to make Ethiopia a country of breathtaking scenery.
Still, the people are among the most intriguing aspects of this land. Ethiopians are diverse in their ethnicity, culture, and language. The national language is Amharic, yet there are many, many other spoken languages. Many Ethiopians also speak English. Ethiopians are intrinsically religious, yet this is one country where Muslims and Christians, though both devout in their beliefs, live in peace. Ethiopians have a strong sense of family and community. It is not unusual to see extended family living together in small homes throughout their lives. The importance of family and the value placed on that in this society can not be stressed enough.
Ethiopian people are incredibly loving and caring toward children. While it is expected that most orphaned children will have experienced conditions of poverty and emotional losses, purposeful abuse and neglect appear to be rare. Community involvement in caring for orphaned children is the norm.
Despite their diversity, all Ethiopians share a pride of their culture and civilization. The country has a rich history woven with legends of King Solomon and The Queen of Sheba, as well as the Arch of the Covenant, which is now said to lie in northern Ethiopia. Ethiopians pride themselves in the fact that Ethiopia is a country that has successfully resisted colonization. All of this, while being one of the world's poorest countries.
For more on Ethiopia, check out their language, names, and food.